January 30, 2008

celebrity sighting

While at my local Starbucks this morning - guess who was sitting there...

It's pretty sad when you live in a city where there is a celebrity here every weekend and this is who you get to see.
I think I will have to start posting pictures of me with real celebrities so you know that they do exist!


Anonymous said...

How would you even know who he was?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the celebrity sighting. Oscar Goodman must have been busy...

Todd said...

Wow - I guess my most recent celebrity sighting was pretty good then... Last Thursday I was in the parking lot of Cafe Rio on 4th South in SLC, CJ Miles and Paul Millsap pulled up in a Mercedes and BMW to go to Cafe Rio.

And here I thought Vegas was the exciting place to be

Camille said...

Did you get the first email about the blog?