May 6, 2008

elmo is always better than david blaine.

Last night I was catching up on my Oprah tivo'd shows upstairs when I came to the David Blaine episode. You know the one, where he holds his breathe for 17 minutes. What a freak. Anyway, I was wondering if Joaquin would want to watch this so I go over to the stair rail to yell downstairs with Ellie following right along.

Me: Joaquin.
Joaquin: What?
Me: Did you want to watch David Blaine?
Joaquin: No.

Ellie: Joaquin.
Joaquin: What?
Ellie: Is Elmo on?

1 comment:

ThE fRoNkS!... said...

Ok so that is pretty dang funny! She is so cute! I can't believe i beat Chels at making a comment!!