October 9, 2007

PEZ christmas

I saw this on another blog (again, bored) and I got to thinking there has got to be a way for me to do this...

A PEZ Christmas tree. Not the main one, but maybe one for Ellie. I'm just wondering how I could put the PEZ on the tree? And then moo.com came to mind and maybe I could just take individual pictures and hang them? Somehow that doesn't seem very fun though. Any one have any ideas?

And since we were talking about moo.com, what do you all think of flashcards? Like the colors and numbers? Maybe things that start with the letters of the alphabet? Could be alot of work to take pictures of so many things. I might be over my head on this one.


Anonymous said...

I think the Pez tree is a great idea. You know I know someone else who collects Pez...however, I don't rememeber who it was. Also, if you didn't catch Oprah yesterday Jessica Seinfield was on and she has a new cookbook. It would be good for you, cause it's all about cooking veggies into foods and your kids don't even know it! Like butternut squash into mac and cheese! I'd eat that.
Anyway...maybe you can tie the pez on the braches with ribbon. I can help at Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

I was going to tell you about the Jessica Seinfeld thing too...she purees vegetables and adds them to everything she makes right down to the boxed mac and cheese.

It should be easy to come up with a way to hang the pez...tie anything at all around the neck and hang them from the branches. Attach a clothespin (or something similar from the craft or office supply store) to the feet and clip them on. And I say it should be the main tree.

Anonymous said...

...and for crying out loud, just buy some flash cards. Let moo.com go.

jessica said...

I agree with Liz on the main tree