March 20, 2007


I feel good. I knew that I would now. I feel good. So good. So good. I got you.

Can I just tell you...
Last night, I washed and folded three loads of laundry.
I made Joaquin dinner.
I watched 2 tivo'd programs.
I fed Ellie.
I gave Ellie a bath.
I gave myself a bath.
I was able to watch all of Dancing with the Stars (go Apolo!)
and this was all after a full day of work.

After feeling so good about my accomplishments, Joaquin says, well you didn't put the clothes away.

Thanks babe!

But, let me give you props - you put the new kitchen table together and 2 of the chairs!

Go us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go lori, what did you make for dinner?