What we've been up to...
A couple of weekends ago we went to go stay at the brand new Encore hotel. The newest Steve Wynn property. They were giving away killer deals for locals and so we jumped on the chance. The place is pretty cool so if you are ever in town, you should check it out.
See, it does pay to be a local around here.
I also had a movie weekend which I haven't done in forever. I wanted to see more but apparantly everyone thought that 2 movies was plenty. I guess I just need to start going by myself...
We saw Slumdog Millionaire. Great movie if you haven't seen it.
We also saw Revolutionary Road. A movie that made you somewhat think, but pretty depressing. The acting was good though.
Ellie has learned The Pledge of Alligiance, now I am just trying to get it on video.
Oh yes, and like I said I got suckered into joining facebook. And I have dreamt about the damn thing every night since. Freak!
That's about all over here. Sorry for the lame update but I figured it's almost February, I better get something else in before that!