March 9, 2008

tagged #2

I got tagged via email but thought I would just post it here...

Here goes.

A) Four Places you go over and over:
1. work
2. Redbox
3. Starbucks
4. bed

B) Four People who e-mail me regularly:
1. overstock
2. pottery barn
3. someone in the UK stating I have won 4.4 million dollars
4. houseseatslv

C) Four of my favorite foods:
1. pizza
2. chocolate
3. diet coke
4. sushi

D) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. on a cruise
2. London
3. in bed
4. New York

E) Four people I think will respond:
1. Hopefully every single one of you

F) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Singles
2. Silence of the Lambs
3. Napoleon Dynamite
4. Juno

Here's what to do...and please don't spoil the fun...
Delete my answers and fill in your own - have fun!

I now challenge all of you out there to do your own - what the hell, what is it going to hurt?

1 comment:

Chelsie said...

Ah isn't Redbox great...I always use the free codes...but then forget to take them back the next day so I end up paying...blast. I've never seen or heard of sounds kind of scary though...and I'm a wuss when it comes to those. Oh I'm a nerd, I just read it again and it says Singles....still might be scary